Tuesday, August 7, 2012

1.5 years, DAMN!

Well, you all have noticed the sudden halt in sketches by now. Life caught up with me in a fierce way. I'd like to think I will be posting some things here and there, but the daily run is over (for now).  Thank you for being loyal clickers and making this adventure an enriching one! Don't abandon me completely. I'll be sketching soon.


  1. It's been a wonderful ride! We'll be happy to see your sketches return at any time. Life does that to all of us now and then - hang in there!

  2. Thank you, Erin! It's been a wonderful ride for me as well.

  3. Now that you have had a nearly 4 month hiatus (in this case meaning an interval, like in music, because your drawings sing), it's time to offer up new mind views.
